Start Your Child on the Road to Success
Instilling the virtues of discipline and dedication
What Parents are Saying
Every time I step foot on this campus or interact with its faculty and staff I have a very distinct feeling wash over me, a feeling of home. When I am in a room with Mr. Masterson I can feel his passion for a quality well rounded catholic education and love for each student on this campus that he's willing to go above and beyond to achieve and I know that, not because I've had a child here for a long time or know him on some deep personal level but because I had a principal, Mr Sullivan, who had the same qualities. It's palpable and it brings me back home. Every time I walk on this campus every face greets me with a smile and a welcome. I know that most don't know who I am, but it's not about that, it's about a community who welcomes you in as family. I walk into PTO meetings and see a room full of people like my parents and my friends parents who work hard and probably have a million other things they could be doing but have all come together choosing to prioritize their children's education and choosing to be deeply involved in this school community, they don't have to tell you, you can feel it. I feel it everywhere from the cafeteria ladies to Father McIntyre and Father Pellessier, a deep love for our kids, what's in their best interest, a strong base of faith, and a passion to be the best they can be so they can help our children be their best selves far after they leave these walls.
Kathryn Cantu - Kindergarten, First Grade, and incoming Prek parent
We love everything about St. Bernard school. Catholic education, small classes and personal relationships were a must for our son with a good learning environment. We are pleased with our schools support of our Catholic faith and high expectations of personal character and morals. We are thankful for this! Our decision to send our only son to St. Bernard school has evolved into a way of life that cannot be substituted by any other place. There is no price tag that can be put on spiritual growth, character, family atmosphere and the level of care that is shown to each individual student and family.
Once a Crusader "always" a Crusader.
Angel Le Blanc - 5th grade parent