With humility and a great sense of honor, we wish to welcome you. In a special way, I wish to thank you for the seriousness you have taken as parents in the proper discernment of your child's formation and education. God has blessed all parents with the high calling of ensuring their children's salvation. We are humbled by the trust you are considering placing in us to assist in such a calling. We remain acutely aware of our singular calling to cultivate virtue in an age that is often in direct opposition to the Gospel.
Please do take the time to learn more about our school. We hope to see you soon and it continues to be our pleasure to serve as educators for our St. Bernard family.
In Christ,
JP Masterson
- Applications Open- January 2, 2025
- Applications Close- January 29, 2025
- Invites Extended to Accepted Students- February 4, 2025
Priority List St. Bernard School
1. Siblings of presently enrolled students at St. Bernard School,
2. Siblings of those students who have graduated from St. Bernard School,
3. Children of faculty members,
4. Children of St. Bernard School Alumni,
5. Members of St. Bernard Church Parish or
St. Francis of Assisi,
6. Members of other parishes, and
7. Non-Catholic students
Children entering Pre-K3 must be three (3) years of age by September 30th.
Children entering Pre-K4 must be four (4) years of age by September 30th.
Children entering Kindergarten must be five (5) years of age by September 30th.
All Applications Must Be Processed Online.
Requirements include:
- Birth Certificate (state-issued- with Live Birth number)
- Baptismal Certificate
- Immunization record
- Social Security Card
- Church Parish Sheet (completed by the Pastor where you are a registered parishioner)
- Completed Discipline Form (completed by daycare or school administrator)
- Report Cards (past two years)
- Standardized Test Results (past two years)
- Any Special Services Records (i.e. IEP, ISP, etc.)
- Students applying for Admission in Grades 1- 8 must present a copy of the past two years' report cards and standardized test results. These will be reviewed to determine whether the program at St. Bernard School will meet the educational needs of the students. An interview with the student and/or parents may be a part of the admission process. Testing in some academic areas may be held for new incoming students.
All new students will be given a trial period in which to prove himself/herself both socially and academically. If during this trial period there are any problems, a student may be asked to withdraw his/her attendance at St. Bernard School.
Non-Catholic students whose parents accept the philosophy of St. Bernard School will be accepted on space availability.