St. Bernard Catholic School is owned by St. Bernard Church Parish and continues a long tradition of Catholic education in St. Martin Parish. The school fosters academic excellence which allows students of every learning style to succeed. We strive to build an active faith community and are dedicated to the service of others.
St. Bernard Catholic School is approved by the Louisiana State Board of Education and the Diocese of Lafayette.
We are committed to the education of the whole child: physical, intellectual, emotional, social, moral, and spiritual.
The curriculum followed by St. Bernard Catholic School is aligned with the state curriculum guidelines. The learning structure follows a core curriculum of Religion, Reading, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. This core curriculum is supplemented with classes in Art, French, Library, P.E., and Technology.
Homework is a necessary part of the educational process. Students must satisfactorily complete all homework assignments including reading, studying, and written assignments.
Academic progress is monitored through report cards issued every nine weeks and through standardized testing in the spring. Our academic year is divided into four 9-week grading periods, referred to as quarters. Test papers and grades are sent home weekly. Additionally, grades are uploaded to Renweb.
We as a school, a church parish, and you as a parent are issued a challenge. That is to do all within our power to provide the best education for each child. We must recognize and accept our roles and work cooperatively for the betterment of each child at St. Bernard Catholic School.
Title I/Intervention
St. Bernard School participates in the federally-funded, St. Martin Parish School System administered, Title I Program. Students with low test scores and/or low performance in math and reading are provided with intervention services by tutors. The Title I tutors are employed by the St. Martin Parish School System. The tutors target not only current math and reading classwork but also math and reading skills, providing guided practice to improve the student’s performance in math and reading classes and on standardized tests.
Title II
St. Bernard School participates in the federally-funded, St. Martin Parish School System administered, Title II Program. Title II is designed to support schools in recruiting, preparing, training, and developing teachers and school leaders. Teachers at SBS participate in evidence-based professional development activities that are sustained, intensive, collaborative, job-embedded, data-driven, and classroom-focused.
Title IV
St. Bernard School participates in the federally-funded, St. Martin Parish School System administered, Title IV Program. Title IV provides all students access to a well-rounded education. It improves school conditions for student learning. Title IV provides funding for technology to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.